Professional Activities

  • December / 2022 Started at Amazon Studios and Prime Video as Senior Applied Scientist
  • June / 2020 Started at Huawei UK R&D as Senior Research Scientist
  • October / 2019 Started at Facesoft as part-time Computer Vision and Deep Learning Scientist
  • May / 2019 Started research internship at Facebook Reality Labs
  • June / 2018 I recently moved to iBUG group for the rest of my PhD
  • February / 2018 Started at Visio Impulse as Part-time Research Engineer
  • September / 2017 Student volunteer at BMVC 2017 as official photographer
  • June / 2017 Our team is awarded a $20k worth of Microsoft Azure Research grant
  • October / 2016 Started PhD. program at Imperial College
  • July / 2016 Obtained M.S. degree from Computer Engineering at Bilkent University
  • June / 2014 Graduated from Hacettepe University, Computer Engineering Department
  • March / 2013 Research Intern in Intelligent Systems Lab. at University of Groningen

(See Google Scholar for the Up-to-Date List)


B. Gecer, S. Ploumpis, I. Kotsia, S. Zafeiriou, “GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network Fitting for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction” CVPR, 2019.

B. Gecer, B. Bhattarai, J. Kittler and TK. Kim, “Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model” ECCV, 2018.

B. Gecer, S. Aksoy, E. Mercan L.G. Shapiro, D.L. Weaver and J.G. Elmore, “Detection and classification of cancer in whole slide breast histopathology images using deep convolutional networks” Pattern Recognition, 2018.

B. Gecer, V. Balntas, and TK. Kim, “Learning Deep Convolutional Embeddings for Face Representation Using Joint Sample- and Set-based Supervision” ICCVW, 2017

B. Gecer, G. Azzopardi, and N. Petkov, “Color-blob-based COSFIRE filters for Object Recognition” Image and Vision Computing, vol. 57, pp. 165-174, 2017.

Gecer, Baris. Detection and classification of breast cancer in whole slide histopathology images using deep convolutional networks. Diss. Bilkent University, 2016.

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